The first Man and Woman never ate from the tree of life. They ate from the tree in the middle of the garden; the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Eve claimed to have been "deceived" by the serpent 🐍 which is why she ate from it. Kundalini is the represented by serpent, located at the base of the spine, which is the very foundation of consciousness. It leads you to enlightenment where you begin to understand the cosmos. What is the repercussion of this awakening? What sort of death is faced after awakening? An ego death, yes, but what are the consequences of awakening. To have wisdom of the unknown, to see as the divine sees. Truth and clarity without the veil of illusions, learned through the experiences of the mundane.”…because I was naked, so I hid" were the supposed words of Adam. During an awakening you feel bare, you begin to understand how irrelevant you are in the grand scheme of things, which can be hard to acknowledge as it requires a certain death of perception. There is transition from perception to knowing. To shed the skin like the garter, to become something new. If this story of the first man and woman is true, then it cannot be literal. I believe we must see through the lens of metaphor to truly understand this story of the fall of man. Or perhaps, the rise of man. It is the story of life. When you’re born, there is ignorance, but as you grow older, there is wisdom and a knowing that causes obligations. You leave your parent/family because you are now due for your own path, to follow that which has been set before you, to build. The eating of the fruit was inevitable. It was all God’s plan. We must find our way in this realm, we must evolve to transcend. It is tough love. What if eating that fruit is what caused our consciousness as humans. To understand that we’re part of something. Perhaps it is the fruit that has separated us from animal. "but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” It wasn’t just physical death that was spoken of, but the duality of nature that must then balance. We tipped the scales, and the only balance is found in the duality of renewals. There is the biblical saying that the wages of sin is death. We often question the existence of life. Why is there so much suffering? Hunger, diseases, cancer? So much devastation. When man ate from the tree, they were cursed to suffer, to toil the ground in sweat to produce food for survival. Ignorance is the tool that shields us from the freedom that comes with choice, yet in choice, is the cause and effect that leads to creation or destruction. It is a cycle that keeps going. Look around you, all things continuous, the infinity symbol included, is represented by the snake that eats itself, the serpent that deceived Eve, but that deception also led to her enlightenment/wisdom. Good and bad, one cannot be without the other. It is from endings beginnings must rise. That is the curse of man. In my theory, when linked with astrology, in order to transcend to a true enlightened stage; kundalini, you must undergo many deaths, which is the price we all pay for the sin of the first man. Astrology and the placements of the stars and heavily bodies, is the map that shows what lessons must be learned in this lifetime. Stages that one must overcome to reach kundalini. It will not be reached in one lifetime, you must experience the curse of man, you must live it, as we all come from him and the woman. In pain, there is happiness. A woman labors tirelessly, and when the child is born, that pain is forgotten and replaced with the happiness of said creation. A cycle in life that is continual until you release the serpent inside of you. The voice you listen to that guides you towards truth, towards the light, but first, all must be destroyed. This is a prison, and we’re all doing the time. "And the son shall pay for the sins of the father…" The price of disobedience in our choice, is the continual death we experience until you pay what is owed. Your path is written in the stars, and if you can see as some do, it will guide your fate, but you must choose it, for free will lends a hand to fate. Dying of Christ did not reverse the damage done by eating the fruit, but it has bridged the gap between us and the source of existence. To give us alignment and a path way in the chaos of it all. There is no more need for the physical body when you have reached the peak of your enlightenment. When your soul has recognized its very source, when the soul is aligned and has passed through the lessons, then there no longer is the need for the process of rebirth and death. You simply are. An understanding of fate and freewill. That is the balance we must all achieve in order to transcend. It is the lesson of complete surrender… It is the lesson of Christ. it is the paradox of immortality that many have fought to reach, but you see, to reach that, there must be death. That is the price of fate…
— Tolú